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Beagle Street guides

A young couple, deciding on paint colours for a wall in their new home

Moving In: Adding Value

Our complete guide on adding value to your home. Whether it’s cost-effective decoration or large-scale home improvements, learn about what to consider.

Young people, laughing with one another while sitting down

Young Peoples Life Insurance

Buying life insurance while you’re young can save you money. Visit Beagle Street online today and discover how age can affect your policy.

Life insurance and Inheritance Tax

Making the decision to protect the future of your loved ones by getting the right Life Insurance policy is a brave, but sometimes daunting prospect. As with anything finance-related, the shadow of the taxman can loom over things, and the line between a Life Insurance policy and inherited wealth can be tricky to pin down.

Life insurance after divorce

You do not need to inform us if you are getting divorced but if you wish to discuss your policy because of this, get in touch

A man, about to light a cigarette

Life insurance for smokers

If you have used any form of tobacco or nicotine products in the last 12 months, the premium will differ from non-smokers. Visit Beagle Street to find out more.

A close-up shot of pink and white assorted flowers

A guide to funeral planning and associated costs

When a loved one dies, you naturally want to provide a funeral that’s a personal and unique celebration of their life. But making the arrangements can seem daunting, especially given the emotional stress that many people feel at such a time.

What is joint life insurance and how does it work?

Our joint policies will pay-out once only, on the first person who passes away and a claim is made within the policy term.

2 women, sitting together and reading from a tablet

Life insurance for self employed

A Life Insurance policy may be even more important for someone who has recently become self employed, as this type of insurance can provide the loved ones of the policy-holder with a financial pay-out. Additionally, someone who has recently become self-employed is unlikely to be able to rely on the pay-out from Death in Service cover; which is typically provided by an employer.

A father, smiling while looking at his daughter

Life insurance for single parents

As a single parent the responsibility of providing for your family typically rests on you. Find out how Beagle Street Life Insurance can help.

A couple, holding their newborn child

Life insurance for new parents

Protecting your family is important, which is why many of us take out Life Insurance for the first time when we become parents.

Life assurance vs insurance

Life assurance is also known as whole of life cover, because it covers the policyholder for the whole of their life. Life insurance is a type of term cover, which means the policy pays out if the policy holder dies within a set amount of time (the policy term).

A young couple, smiling while looking at something on a mobile phone

Switching your life insurance

When you first set up your Life Insurance policy it’s important to choose the right cover for you, and at a monthly premium that meets your budget.