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A ginger cat, with it's paws on a calculator

The lifetime cost of owning a pet

Pets can bring a lot of joy but, just like with any other member of your household, you have to spend money to keep them happy and healthy.

A mother, holding her child while on the telephone and writing notes in a book

Unmarried co-parents can now claim Bereavement Support Payment

A change in the law means that, married or not, co-habiting parents can claim up to £9,800 in Bereavement Support if their partner dies.

A wooden carving, of a 3-person family holding an umbrella over their heads

Do I need life insurance?

Life insurance can help give you some peace of mind when going through big life changes, both good and bad.

The beaglestreet team, receiving the best Life Insurance provider award

Beagle Street wins Best Life Insurance Provider Award for fifth time

Beagle Street has once again received recognition at the Yourmoney.com Personal Finance Awards 2024

A young couple laying together, with their dog

More than a quarter of Brits say that sleeping with their dog improves their mental wellbeing

Beagle Street has conducted a survey to reveal how many Brits share a bed with their dog, and the main reasons why.

A 'yourmoney.com' award, labelled the 'Best Online Life Insurance Provider'

Beagle Street wins ‘Best Life Insurance Provider’ at YourMoney.com awards

Beagle Street has been awarded ‘Best Life Insurance Provider’ at the YourMoney.com awards.

'The times money mentor' gold life insurance award, awarded in autumn 2022

Beagle Street awarded ‘Gold’ for Customer Experience

The Times Money Mentor has awarded Beagle Street Gold for customer experience in the life insurance category.

An infographic detailing the worries that parents have about their child's future

Over two-thirds of parents with young children are worried about their child’s future

Beagle Street has conducted eye-opening research, revealing the main concerns and priorities impacting parents with a child of up to four years of age.

An infographic covering the top 5 biggest life decisions for adults

Life’s Biggest Decisions (and Regrets!)

We asked 2,000 adults in the UK* what big decisions they’ve had to make in life and the impact it might have on their future.

A young couple, kissing one another

Revealed: Happiest moments in life

The happiest moments in life are the birth of a first child, your wedding day and the birth of grandchildren according to new research out today.

A couple, having a discussion while looking at a laptop and paper documents

Declined for Life Insurance? Here are your options

If you’ve had an application for Life Insurance refused, you might feel confused, disappointed, even angry at a decision which has left the people closest to you without protection in the event of your death.

A young boy, having fun while riding a slide at a funfair

Low-cost kids’ activities and childcare for summer

When summer rolls around, it can bring with it a lot of wholesome pleasures. Firing up the barbecue, heading to the beach, or just relaxing in the garden with the cold drink of your choice.