Life Insurance isn’t embarrassing
Are you worried that some of the questions asked when applying for Life Insurance could be a bit embarrassing? We’ll ease your fears. Take a look at how we’re improving the experience.
Okay, so here’s the thing about Life Insurance, the proverbial elephant in the room: It’s all about death, and very few people enjoy talking about the actual real-life process of death and dying.
This leads to a certain stigma surrounding what could be, in practice, a very beneficial product. Even if we’re not jumping right to the D-word, some insurers require sensitive information as part of their application process.
If you’re unsure about Life Insurance, or worried the process might make you feel a bit uncomfortable, take a look at the steps Beagle Street are taking to smooth things out for you.
How does age affect Life Insurance?
Age is something that some people might feel iffy about disclosing to any Tom, Dick, or Harry who might ask. Where getting cover is concerned, some people could find themselves balancing between feeling like they’re too young to worry about it, but old enough to see the potential benefits.
In reality, getting Life Insurance while young could prove to be a wiser option than hanging around for years until you feel like the time is right. None of us are getting any younger, and age could take its toll on the health of even the most active among us. As a general rule of thumb, all else being equal, premiums on policies could be lower if you take them out when you’re younger and relatively healthy.
Anything you tell Beagle Street as part of an application process will remain 100% confidential. So, if you’re prone to shaving a few years off your age for the purposes of Tinder, your secret is safe with us!
Getting Life Insurance as a smoker
Nowadays, smoking isn’t the social boost that it used to be. Gone are the ultra-cool scenes of Humphrey Bogart lighting up and looking suave, people have gotten wise to the serious health consequences of smoking. Insurers are probably going to ask you whether or not you’re a smoker as part of the application process, and it’s something you need to answer honestly.
It can be difficult to own up to being a smoker, especially if you’re trying to quit and having a hard time doing so. It’s important to realise that your insurer is likely to make a final decision about your policy based on a number of factors.
Choosing who your payout should go to
At its core, Life Insurance isn’t for you, so much as it is for your loved ones. The payout on your policy is designed to financially protect the people you cherish most in life from the impact of your death.
But for some people, deciding who exactly they cherish most isn’t 100% cut and dried. Do you name your spouse? Or your ex-partner who cares for your children? Do you name your children themselves? Modern life throws up all sorts of complications, and explaining your decision to those involved could be awkward.
Thankfully, you have several ways to make sure your policy benefits the loved ones of your choosing. When taking out a Beagle Street Life Insurance policy, you can take advantage of our free Will-writing service worth £125*. In your Will you can name whoever you’d like to benefit from your estate when you die, which could include the payout.
You can also name who you’d like to benefit from your policy if you get your Life Insurance written in trust. Here you can specify all sorts of conditions for who benefits, when, and under what circumstances.
Understanding Life Insurance
The process of choosing, setting up, and maintaining your policy can look a little daunting to an outsider. The industry has to own the blame for some of that. For centuries it’s been clouded in jargon and guarded by middlemen, eager to protect their cut. Some people are embarrassed to talk about Life Insurance simply because they don’t understand it.
Nowadays, fantastic work has been done to clarify and streamline the insurance process. For example, we let you buy Life Insurance online to cut out the time and expense of trekking from one advisor to another. A good insurer today will go to great lengths to explain their processes and make it clear they’ve got nothing to hide.
Stress-free Life Insurance from Beagle Street
Has this changed your mind about whether or not Life Insurance could be a good way to financially protect your loved ones? If so, we’d be happy to help you take your first steps down that road.
For a fast (and we mean fast) quote, you can get an online quote to get a peek at how cover might look for you. Or, if you want to talk to someone directly, our expert team can help you look at your options, so contact us today for a friendly, impartial chat.
*This service is limited to Simple Wills. Terms and Conditions apply. See clause 16.